When hosting a party, one of the major things your guests will most definitely remember is the location you chose for it. So when you want to throw a bash that you’d want to make an unforgettable experience for you and your guests what better way to do so than to host it in the middle of the sea? This will not only provide a spectacular view for you and your guests, but will also give an opportunity for fun and exclusive activities for everyone. Long ago, only cruise ships can offer the enjoyable, engaging, and unforgettable party experience while on water. Today has made it possible for more people to enjoy, through yachts.
Before you start planning on yacht trips for your next big bash, first plan ahead on how to make it a great one for you and your friends. Of course, being on the yacht alone will not make for an unforgettable experience, so it’s important to keep in mind a couple of things which can help you on your bash:
- Create a Guest List and Double-check on Safety Measures
As fun and exciting as it is, you will be floating on the deep sea for a few hours, so it is important to make sure that you and your guests will be safe at all times. Do not invite more than the number of people that the yacht can hold. Make sure to let your guests on the list know where the party will be held, so anyone who easily gets seasick, or who have certain medical conditions and fears can inform you in advance. - Choose a Fitting Theme
Adding a theme to your party or bash can greatly increase its level of fun and excitement. Go for something you and your friends may like, such as an 80’s prom, 70’s disco party, Hawaiian bash, or even a murder mystery. Make sure to inform your guests in advance if you require them to wear costumes! - Plan the Entertainment Activities
Aside from eating and catching up on the latest talk of the town, a good party should have fun and engaging activities which will hype your guests. Bring some cards and board games along, or you can even bring remote-controlled toy boats for a racing game! Music, of course, should be present, so make sure to create a playlist in advance, and have some backup beats!
Whether you are hosting a birthday party, anniversary event, or simply a soirée to gather your closest friends for a fun night out at sea, Pancho Villa Boat Charters has got you covered. We are a yacht charter in Puerto Penasco, Sonora that offers a variety of boat charter services for all your needs and water activities in Sonora. We make sure to provide a pleasant, fun, and unforgettable experience for you and your family or peers, whether you want to go fishing, are hosting the next big party, or even if you just need a romantic moment with your loved one while enjoying the sunset. Contact us today, at 602-904-1700, for more information regarding our services.